
Sign Up for a Virtual Tutor!

Our virtual program offers UCSB tutors through a unique learning opportunity for students.

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Be your own tutor! Use our website to find easy learning tools and games, help get ideas or supplement your existing lesson plans. 

CA Common Core State Standards: 

Isla Vista Youth Projects Kids Corner

National Park Service

Become a Junior Ranger Online

Educator Lesson Plans https://www.nps.gov/teachers/index.htm

Distance Learning with the Grand Canyon

Sports Activities and Lessons 

Jackie Robinson Resource Guide (Baseball)

Jackie Robinson Foundation https://jrlegacy.org/

Math Instructional Resources (K-8)

Number Sense Resources


Super Kids

Make your own addition, subtraction, multiplication, division worksheets.
Includes exponents, long division, averages, etc. for middle school level.

Literacy Worksheets

Roy the Zebra
Literacy worksheets (K-4)

Tooter 4 Kids
Worksheets cover reading comprehension, spelling games, poetry, writing, etc.

TED Talks and TED Ed

Kahn Academy